© Georgi Mabee
Whilst you can, of course, choose whichever services you favour for your day, we have listed our preferred suppliers below.
In many cases we have negotiated preferential rates for these services from providers we trust and believe to be of the highest quality.
Georgi Mabee Photography
Web: georgimabee.com
Gina Fernandes Photography
Ben Davies Photography
Amanda Forman Photography
The Rutland Marquee Company
Tel: 01780 729201 / 07971 867069
Sami Tipi
Tel: 01332 806040
Teepee and Tents
Web: teepeestents.co.uk
Tel: 01858 419 544 / 07732 315 011
Saffron Catering
Tel: 07989 985401 / 01530 273879
Tel: 07951 749811 / 07790 927664
Compton and Kennedy
Tel: 07934 195 420
The Purple Pumpkin Cake Company
Tel: 07734 701142
Bread Meat Cheese
Tel: 07807 748 352
Farmer Lou
The Sweet Cart Company
The Flower Patch
Tel: 07708 416373
Amanda Steele Flowers
Tel: 01572 717 757
Lola Rose
Tel: 07944 655 995
Pretty Quirky Hire
Tel: 07842 289 620
Dream Decor
Tel: 07825 834 855
DG Music
Web: dgmusic.co.uk
Tel: 01572 342 048
Sophie's Voice
Tel: 07725 036344
Steve Bean: Classical Guitarist
Tel: 07709 772 269
Harriet Flather: Professional Harpist
Tel: 07734 701142
Tel: 07951 749811 / 07790 927664
The Purple Pumpkin Cake Company
Tel: 01572 767452 / 07810 285191
Web: farmerlou.co.uk
Tel: 07807 748 352