01572 813 200

Autumn at Barnsdale: Breakfast and Guided Walk. 8th October. 9:30am - 12:30pm

On arrival, top up your energy reserves with a Barnsdale Full English Breakfast, before setting off at 10.30am on a very special guided tour of Barnsdale Gardens with Nick Hamilton at this colourful time of year.


Nick will consider all the individual gardens and adjoining borders and will point out some of his favourite specimens, as well as the plants and trees that are the stars at this time.


Enjoy breakfast from 9.30am. The walk starts at 10.30am.

Click here to Book the Autumn Walk

Nursery Walk & Talk, 'Winter Interest Plants to Lift a Border': 31st October, 11:30am - 11:50am

Many people think there is nothing to see in winter, so let Emma show you just how stunning your borders can look in winter.


Free. No need to book, just turn up.

Just want to come for a spot of retail therapy and a great lunch or afternoon tea? Entry to the Barnsdale Gardens Gift Shop, Nursery and Tea Room is free.