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Summer Sundays at Barnsdale Gardens

It's all happening at Barnsdale! Every Sunday during July and August, we're offering family events, free with Garden entry.

Fairy Trail: Throughout July & August, 9am - 5pm

Hunt for the Fairy doors, Fairy houses and Fairies in the woodland and around the gardens. Solve the Fairy riddles, work out what the fairies are trying to tell us and make a wish at the wishing tree.

Roses Day with Stuart Dixon: 6th July, 12pm - 4pm

A special day of informal walks and talks hosted by writer, broadcaster and rose fan Stuart Dixon.


So if you’re looking for a particular variety or just love roses, join Stuart to tour the Gardens and learn more- there’s no booking necessary and you’re welcome to join him for as long as you like.

Sweet Pea Weekend: 12th - 13th July, 12pm - 4pm

It’s all about the smells and beautiful blooms of Sweet Peas. Come and enjoy these wonderful plants; the array of colours and the heady scents they produce, with our sweet pea expert, Stephen Marsland, for short walks and talks.

Garden Forage: 20th July, 12pm - 4pm

Join Nicola Fenton on short walks and talks highlighting the edible plants within our gardens. You'll discover a multitude of benefits that plants can have on your health and wellbeing, with top tips on how to harvest and use.

Nursery Walk & Talk, 'Hot Plants for a Summer Border': 25th July, 11:30am - 11:50am

Emma will show you what's hot to give your borders that sizzling summer feel.


Free. No need to book, just turn up.

Artisan Market: 27th July, 12pm - 4pm

Browse some wonderful items from local artisan makers. You will also have the opportunity to see some of them in action.


If you are a maker and would like a stall, please contact us.

Just want to come for a spot of retail therapy and a great lunch or afternoon tea? Entry to the Barnsdale Gardens Gift Shop, Nursery and Tea Room is free.